Game Jams

Unity, C#, Bluetooth LE

Ludum Dare 33 - Hecatomb

Theme: You are the Monster

You have been summoned to reconsecrate the Sacrificial Temple. The people gathered here are honoured to die in the service of the gods, take as many of them as you can. and be quick about it, as soon as their blood ceases to flow you will be hurled back into the underworld

What I Did:

  • Concept development.
  • Core game design and loop prototyping.
  • Core mechanic implementation.

GGJ18 - InfectUs

Theme: Transmission

Outlive everyone else! When you get the virus, trace the presented pattern to send it on to someone else. While you are virus-free, stabilize your health by popping the infectious bubbles; they are worth more the longer you leave them, but don't leave them too long or they'll disappear! A mobile multiplayer only game, connected using Bluetooth LE.

What I Did:

  • Concept development.
  • Core game design and loop prototyping.
  • UI design and implementation.


InfectUs - Virus puzzle phase
InfectUs - Virus free collection phase

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